
Kleinstein Lab
300 George Street
Suite 505
New Haven, CT 06511

Bayesian Estimation of Antigen-Driven Selection in Immunoglobulin Sequences

We have found a (minor) computational error in our recently published manuscript: Quantifying selection in high-throughput Immunoglobulin sequencing data sets.

An error was detected in the derivation of equation (3). Its correct form should be:

As a consequence the fitted hyper-parameters were slightly changed resulting in very minor changes to the computed posterior distributions. In particular, the modifications to the current manuscript are:
  1. In Figure 2 (a) the parameters were a = b = 0.407 (N = 1) and in 2 (b) they were a = b = 0.853 (N = 10).
  2. In Figure 3 the parameters were a = b = 0.853 (N = 10).
  3. Figures 5, S3, S5 and S6 were slightly effected by the correction. Below are the updated figures:

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